When you run a business, it can feel like you never stop and there’s so much you need to do.
This week’s podcast is about the importance of taking a pause every now and then to take stock, see what’s working, and give yourself a chance to take a breath!
I’m talking about how pause works in coaching, both as a coach and a coachee or client, and remember if you’re educating your clients in any kind of way, this is a form of coaching.
Plus, taking a pause with your content, particularly if you produce long-form content on a regular basis, like a blog, vlog or podcast.
This is a lot of work, and taking breaks will give you time to look at what is resonating, and what your audience or community finds useful so you can create more of what they want.
Finally, you’ll learn the benefits of taking a mini-pause when you’re feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, and how stepping outside, even if it’s only for 15 minutes, will help.
Listen in on the player link below and you can see the key points covered in the time stamps.
Key topics and timings in this episode:
Introduction to this episode (0:20)
Why the podcast is taking a break. (1:10)
The power of the pause in business and coaching. (1:50)
What a pause gives you as a coach. (3:10)
What the pause gives to your client or coachee. (3:55)
The power of pause in your content and why it’s okay to take a break. (8:20)
How long it takes to create and promote this podcast. (9:10)
Don’t feel guilty for stepping off the content treadmill, particularly if you create long-form content like a blog, podcast, or video. (10:40)
Why I’m pausing to improve what I offer. (12:54)
Advice on pitching to podcasts and making it about them, not you. (16:10)
Recap over the guests from this season. (17:14)
How I choose guests for this podcast. (23:12)
Taking a mini-pause when you’re feeling stuck. (24:20)
How the beta and alpha waves work in your brain. (26:17)
What to do if you would like to work together – head to my Work With Me page here. (28:07)
Links mentioned in this episode:
Article on how nature changes your brain: https://www.orbitonline.com/blogs/learn-and-grow/how-nature-changes-your-brain
The power of building relationships with Kerry Jordan
Step away from the computer and meet your community with Hayley Bonwick
What happens outside your comfort zone with Sarah Jones
Growing your pet business with networking with Hayley Hilton
Creating a pet business that makes you happy with Jane Ardern
How the Trust Equation works for your pet business
Navigating controversy as a small business owner
The rollercoaster of being your own boss
Join Pets Get Visible: https://publicityforpetbusinesses.mykajabi.com/pets-get-visible
Check out my pet blog and directory at www.thepawpost.co.uk
Let’s connect on social media:
Find me on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/rachelspenceruk
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelspenceruk
And LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelspenceruk/