Publicity coaching for pet business owners who want to stand out from the competition

You’ve created a pet business because you’re passionate about helping animals and making a difference.

And people need to know about what you do.

But there’s so much information out there on what you should be doing and you want to figure out a way to be visible that feels right.

Maybe you’ve tried programmes and coaching and it’s never felt ‘you.’

Perhaps you’ve bent yourself out of shape trying to be someone you’re not.

What you really want is...

A pet business mentor to help get you noticed

I’m Rachel, a journalist turned pet blogger turned pet business visibility coach working with small businesses like you.

Since 2017, I’ve been showing clients ways to stand out from the competition and be a leader in their field, whether they make a product or provide a service.

If you’re thinking: “Aghh, ‘putting myself out there’ makes me want to hide under the bed/run to the hills/stab myself with a pencil,” I’ve been there.

I used to be terrified of talking about my work, worrying that other journalists would take the mick and think, ‘Who does she think she is,’ or, ‘She doesn’t know what she’s on about.’

So I spent a load of money learning about marketing and feeling more confident, and trained to be a coach.  

And I got burned TOO MANY times doing what other people said I SHOULD be doing to make my business a success until I learned to trust myself.

Because the person who knows the best way to promote my business is me.

And the person who knows the best way to promote your pet business is you.

Oh, and I give a crap and I’m not just after your money!

What to expect when you work with an accredited pet business coach.

Wherever you are on your journey, whether you’re starting out or an established business and want to try a fresh approach or simply want someone to listen, I’m here to support you.

Get a taste of what that’s like by listening to the podcast and checking out my free resources which are all designed to help raise your profile.

And if you’d like more personalised support, my Pets Get Visible mini-membership and one to one coaching packages are designed to suit all budgets. 


I love hearing about the ideas you have to grow your pet business and working with you to make them a reality....
Pets Get Visible is my mini-membership mentoring programme for pet business owners who want to be part of a su...

Pets Get Visible is my mini-membership mentoring programme for pet business owners who want to be part of a support community willing them to win.

It’s an affordable way to access support and helpful resources so you stay consistent with your content marketing, social media and even pitching to the press.

I love hearing about the ideas you have to grow your pet business and working with you to make them a reality.

Whether it’s working on a project like a book launch or learning how to be your own PR or building your confidence, as a qualified media professional and coach, I’m here to support you.


where my clients
have featured….

where my clients have featured….


Nick M.
Nick M.
Highly recommended!

Read Rachel’s book and loved it. Read it in two sittings. It’s packed full of great advice and written in a lovely way. Take action and it help you massively!
Pippin Pets with Jo Sellers- Separation Anxiety S.
Pippin Pets with Jo Sellers- Separation Anxiety S.
I've been working with Rachel for a while now, and she was the first person I went to for guidance on book launches! My very first book has gone live, but in the months leading up to this, our calls really helped me to plan ideas and pitches going forward. Her invaluable advice was not just for launch day, but I have a range and depth of ideas to continue with now it is published. This is from print media, online, socials, collaborations and more. I will certainly be kept busy implementing them all!
Hayley Hails B.
Hayley Hails B.
I joined Pets Get Visible because I needed some accountability and knew that Rachel would point me in the right direction when it comes to promoting my pet products.

Knowing each month the planning call is coming makes me get off my backside and get the content done.

I’ve started promoting my newsletter, planned my posts for two months ahead, started asking for reviews and I’ve had 3 reviews now and a sign up so I’m really pleased.

I wouldn’t have dared do it if it wasn’t for the and support. I’ve had some lovely dms and comments and it made me realise that if you ask people generally they will do it. So I’ve taken the plunge.

I’ve set goals for 2023 to have my items stocked in local Independent pet shops and groomers.

If you’re considering joining - it’s less than a takeaway a month to join a community that just want to see you succeed.

Not just Rachel but the entire community 🥰
Hannah A.
Hannah A.
I’ve known Rachel for a while now having met her in person as well as spoken via social. I can confirm she is as lovely in person to 🙂 I’ve been meaning to contact her for a power hour for ages and finally got round to it, I already had an idea for a story. And although I had an idea how to write it, I knew unless I booked it in it would not get done!

The power hour was great, we chatted through the idea and then put it together on zoom, seeing how effortlessly Rachel could do this was impressive. When we started we had a blank rough sheet of paper, When we finished we had a story.

And consequently it was picked up and featured by several papers, which is brilliant and increases my credibility and niche with my audience.

I would not hesitate to contact Rachel if you would like some support, she has options for all budgets now, is generous and kind with her information and what she says works.

I’ll look forward to working with her further on future stories 🙂
I won a power hour with one of my fellow friends and pet business owner when we completed one of the awesome challenges run by Rachel for your pet business. It was everything I expected and much more. I could talk freely about my idea, and Rachel gave me advice and tips and has given me a boost I needed.
Rachel is so easy to talk too, and totally relatable. And she knows exactly what she is talking about. She put me at ease, even though I probably talked too much. But she listened to me.

If you haven’t decided yet whether to have a power hour with Rachel, please do, you won’t be disappointed. And also if you haven’t taken part in a challenge either, make sure you do.
Debby L.
Debby L.
I've done the power hour and 5 days challenge with Rachel and I absolutely loved it! Not only I won the Theo Paphitis SBS Award, which I entered because of Rachel's encouragement; but my association, KAD Kids Around Dogs was featured in The Sun ( following her guidance! I also have more coming up soon and I can't thank Rachel enough!! <3 She is absolutely wonderful!
Cheryl Marney I.
Cheryl Marney I.
I have just completed the 5 day challenge of get your pet business in the media with Rachel and it was amazing!
So much support from everyone and Rachel made me feel a part of this challenge.
Nothing was too much trouble for Rachel and she took her time to answer all questions and gave such wonderful advice.
I sent off a pitch to a local online newspaper, something I would never have done before.
I was also so lucky to win a prize at the end of the week.
This week has really boosted my confidence and made me realise that I am good at what I do!
Thank you so much Rachel
Kim O.
Kim O.
I’ve been working with Rachel since September 2019 and she has skilfully helped me to transform the visibility of my small business. Thanks to Rachel I’ve been in newspapers, glossy magazines, had my handmade dog accessories seen on famous dogs and even supplied a TV series with products for one of their dog actors. She has an innate skill, providing clarity around your message, then she gives you the confidence to approach the press and the courage to send off pitches that get you seen!

Rachel is so down to earth, lovely and encouraging too which makes her an absolute dream to work with.

Working with Rachel has been the very best investment I’ve made in my business to date. As a result I’ve won awards and grown the business to the point where I now supply several pet accessory shops too.

Rachel can definitely make a difference to your visibility and help you get press coverage yourself without the use of expensive PR companies.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 from me for sure!
Stephanie Ann G.
Stephanie Ann G.
Rachel is not only super lovely, she is the one person who is amazing at what she does!

She is relatable too! Her challenges are super fun, and push you out of your comfort zone, so you can get the best of yourself and this shows in your pet business.

Her group is the best one around!
If you’re not already a follower, make sure that’s what you do today!

Claire D.
Claire D.
I met Rachel on a guest workshop she put on for Epic Dog,

Following the workshop, using the knowledge learned from Rachel, I wrote a press release for a local paper in an area of the country I was doing a workshop in.

This led to helping me be seen somewhere I hadn't done business before, and when I shared it on facebook, the post got lots of engagement too. And ultimately it gave me the result I was looking for of people booking into my workshop.

This means my business is seen by the people that I need it to be.

It just goes to show that this isn't just for people on the tv, business owners like me can get their own press coverage too.
Nikki C.
Nikki C.
Highly recommend Rachel Spencer she is so generous with her time and knowledge, and myself and so many other pet professionals I know have now had success getting publicity for pet businesses, thank you Rachel!
Christi A.
Christi A.
I recently attended Rachel's Be Bold Bootcamp!

I have to confess, I'm not normally someone who attends bootcamps online or challenges etc, but I went along to the first day to show support to my clients who were participating and also, I'm a bit nosey. 🤓

Before I knew it, I was engrossed, I was invested and hanging off Rachel's every word!

The group were also so supportive of one another, that it was hard not to get involved... and I'm so glad I did!

During the week we were to decide what Bold thing we were going to do. I initially wanted it to be that I sent my first email to my subscriber list... but as the days went on I thought I could do better than that - so I actually launched a whole new service for my clients (something I had convinced myself that I didn't want to do!).

I have also agreed to do an online masterclass all about social media. So in fact, I started on day 1 with no intentions of taking part... to actually achieving THREE bold things. I did, I smashed it, it was all down to Rachel's encouragement and support.

If you're thinking about doing the Be Bold Bootcamp, stop thinking and JUST DO IT!!
Keely H.
Keely H.
I just finished Rachel's Be Bold Bootcamp and I cannot recommend it enough for anyone thinking about doing it in the future!
the support and accountability I got from the 5 days was amazing and I've become so much more confident in sharing my new Puppy Training business venture.
You can tell how much Rachel cares about your success and the gentle but encouraging approach she has to coaching you to be bold really helped me as I'm not one rat can just be pushed into doing something really outside of my comfort zone... don't fit me wrong, I'm outside of it now but just the right amount.
Thank you Rachel so much again for all of your help and hope to work with you again in the future.

... if you're feeling stuck or like you're holding back in your business, just sign up, you won't regret it 😊
Niki F.
Niki F.
If you are wondering whether investing in PR help from Rachel is a good move, don’t stop, just do it now! I have been dabbling with PR for 2 years, but it’s the one thing that always seemed to be at the bottom of my to do list.
I left it really late to start promoting a brand new awareness day #dontwalkyourdogday. I decided to book a session with Rachel, knowing I had left it too late for this year but wanting to make proper plans for the future.

Rachel kindly jumped on a zoom with me straight away and she gave me some great suggestions to try and get a little coverage for the awareness day with 5 days to go.
Oh. My. Goodness. I prepped a press release and sent it to a few titles, and the Mirror Online picked it up. After an interview, there was a fabulous article with all my key messages in there. From there the story got picked up all over the place and soon people were sending me screenshots of where they’d seen me and my dog Bodie.
I’ve been building up all areas of my business for 3 years, but this has had the biggest single impact in the space of 48 hours.

I’m now getting talked about as the crazy dog trainer saying no one should walk their dog (of course you should walk your dog if it’s a positive experience for both of you). But the conversations that are being had about dogs that struggle with anxiety, nerves and reactivity are incredible. Rachel – I can’t thank you enough for help. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kerry W.
Kerry W.
Rachel is has been amazingly supportive with my business. Her knowledge for the industry is just fabulous and the press is just incredible. I feel so lucky to have found her. We’ve recently had some great press coverage in the Sun. Thanks to Rachel. Anyone who gets the chance to work with her, is extremely lucky
Wendy A.
Wendy A.
I took part in Rachel’s 5 day challenge and found it really helpful. Well structured, informative, great community of likeminded pet professionals and Rachel is just so lovely on top of being extremely knowledgeable with lots of valuable tips to share.
Jeffrey A.
Jeffrey A.
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Nathan D.
Nathan D.
Rachel was a guest expert/speaker on a mastermind course that I’m doing, I had quite a lot of ‘wins’ for my business in the last year and I wanted to shout about it & get some press. So Rachel’s talk came at just the right time, she shared her top tips and best practices. I took all these onboard, from the session and I was then featured in the local newspaper and then approached by the local radio station and I was interviewed on there. It was so exciting, I’ve since approached our two local tv stations and have heard back from one already so everything crossed. Thanks again for your help Rachel, highly recommend people speaking to you x
Dawn C.
Dawn C.
Fantastic help that got me some radio and newspaper coverage! Highly recommended
Nicki C.
Nicki C.
A couple of weeks ago, I took part in Rachel's free 'Publicity Challenge with Rachel Spencer'.
I learnt so much valuable information about how to approach newspapers, magazines etc.
Her support & advice is wonderful and I've gained so many friendly contacts and collaborations in the pet industry from the Facebook group that was part of the challenge.
So, I'm delighted to say, I've just had a feature published in the online lifestyle website called The Best Life Project, where I answer 10 questions about my own Best Life Project.
Many thanks to Rachel & her team. I'd wholeheartedly recommend taking the Challenge & working with Rachel.
Linda S.
Linda S.
Thank you for all your help look forward to working with you again soon so helpful for a small Pet business like mind DogFriendly.Social
Jesse G.
Jesse G.
I HIGHLY recommend Rachel! I took part in her free challenge 3 months or so ago, which was great fun and informative. I was a little slow in acting on what I had learned in the challenge; I wasn’t quite ready to approach journalists as didn’t have the photos I needed to submit.
Since the challenge, I have followed Rachel’s tips from her podcast and got a professional photographer who produced some great snaps of my product.
The result - one review article in a well known ‘doggy blog’, two online articles in two local Newspapers, and one is due to go to print in one of the local newspapers later this week! All from the guidance I received from Rachel’s challenge and her weekly podcasts! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Rikki S.
Rikki S.
I booked a power hour with Rachel as my ideas were running amok, and I didn't know where to focus my time and energy.

It was so helpful as Rachel shared her press and media insights to help me narrow down and get specific on the areas that would be most beneficial for me.

Rachel helped me see where the value lies in my work and gave me the confidence to wholly on one area, ditching all the shiny things distracting me!

Rachel's approach is so gentle yet considered and clear. She has a knack for putting you at ease.... worlds away from our general perception on journalists. She's not scary or pushy at all!
Sarah J.
Sarah J.
Absolutely do I recommend Rachel Spencer. She has been absolutely amazing to me and my pet business. I had no idea were to start and I certainly had no idea how to pitch or even put a piece together. Words and writing are very difficult to me. She supports you and encourages you to give you the confidence to try. I love her coaching group too, its full of supportive pet professionals that encourage and help with any issues. Basically she is amazing and everyone needs a Rachel 💛