Profile raising pet business ideas for Winter


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Looking for some inspiration for your pet business marketing this winter?

As the dark nights draw in and the temperatures drop, the needs of pets and pet parents can change and so does the way you talk about your product or service.

Key holidays like Bonfire night, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year are opportunities for you to pitch to the press too.

And the sooner you get your ideas together and sent off, the more likely it is that your story will be picked up.

The same for social media, content and email marketing. Planning ahead means it gets done and you can create products and packages for the winter too.

Whether it’s health and safety advice or a fun pitch about a product, this podcast episode will give you loads of ideas from now until January. 

Listen in on the player link below or carry on reading as a blog post.

Why plan your winter content for your pet business?

Having a clear plan of what’s coming up means you can put some thought into the packages and products your clients might need.

You can generate timely offers or repackage current ones to make them more relevant to the winter weather and the challenges it can bring.

Think muddy walk clean ups, keeping healthy in the cold, enrichment activities for animals when they’re not outside so much.

Plus how the weather can affect our pets, from young pups and kittens to older animals and you’re perfectly placed to share advice on how owners can best support their furry friends.

Why the winter is awesome for content and publicity ideas

There are so many events and holidays in the winter. We have Halloween in October, Guy Fawkes night in November and Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas and New Year.

In retail, there’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the sales after Christmas, all of which are opportunities to shift your stuff.

Plus New Year, the fresh start, people making resolutions for themselves and their animals.

Key Dates for October, November and December


Pet Wellness Month

National Sausage Month

Adopt a Shelter Pet Month

1st-7th Walk Your Dog Week

1st – Black Dog Day

2nd – Canine Companion Day (@Dotty4Paws)

4th – World Animal/Pet Day

10th – World Mental Health Day/World Homeless Day

13th – National Pet Obesity Day

18th – National No Beard Day

19th – Evaluate Your Life Day

21st – Reptile Awareness Day

22nd – National Make a Difference Day

27th – National Mentoring Day

29th – Muddy Dog Day (@distinctivepets)

29th – National Cat Day

31st – Halloween


Pet Diabetes Month

Pet Obesity Awareness Month

National Adoption Month

1st – Pet Groomer Appreciation Day/World Vegan Day

5th – Guy Fawkes Night

12th – World Animal Enrichment Day @rufflesnuffle

13th – World Kindness Day

8th – 14th – Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week

21st – Adoption Day/ World TV Day

24th November – Thanksgiving

27th – Black Friday

28th – Small Business Saturday

30th – Cyber Monday 


1st – Twin With Your Dog Day @leocharleyandme

2nd – National Mutt Day

10th – International Animal Rights Day

11th – National App Day

17th – Underdog Day

24th – Christmas Eve

25th – Christmas Day

31st – New Years Eve 

Here are the links to some of the websites mentioned in this episode where you can find out more about the awareness day, the story behind it and how you can get involved.

Many have free downloadable social media graphics you can use too.

Links mentioned in this episode:

List of pet awareness days:

Black dog awareness blog post on why pets with dark fur stay in rescue

Muddy Dog Day on Distinctive Pets Website

Canine Companion Day on Dotty4Paws website

World Animal Enrichment Day on Ruffle Snuffle website

Twin With Your Dog Day on Leo, Charley and Me website

Carl Cunard on Instagram

If you’re thinking of creating your OWN awareness day, or would like support with planning your content marketing or press campaigns, do get in touch too.

Learn how you can work with me here. 


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Looking for some inspiration for your pet business marketing this winter? As the dark nights draw...

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