Five ways to make the most of being in a five day challenge

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Are you thinking of taking part in a five day challenge and want to make the most of the time you set aside?

Free online challenges provide a brilliant way to learn something new in a short space of time, delivered by an expert.

You can add to your skillset and experience what it’s like to work with the person hosting the challenge.

If you’d like to join in my next free challenge, sign up for my newsletter to get updates of when they’re running.

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In this podcast I’m sharing five tips to get the most from taking part in challenges and you can listen in on the player link below or read as a blog post.

What is a five day challenge?

It’s where you get to focus on one thing for five days. Often you’ll hear it being called a ‘sprint’ and the idea is by the end of the week you have that area nailed.

Each day you’re given a short task to do that will improve your knowledge or understanding of the topic of the challenge.

You’ll be in a group of other people or business owners who share the same goal.

Challenges can be around all kinds of topics from health and fitness to social media platforms and skills you want to hone for your business.

By the end of the challenge, if you’ve followed the tasks, you’ll ideally have had some wins and lightbulb moments and will be on your way to mastering the topic of the challenge.

Here are five ways to make the most of being in a five day challenge

1. Only sign up for challenges that are going to be useful

There are so many things we are constantly being told we need to do to be successful. But it doesn’t mean that we have to do them all.

For instance, if you hate video, taking part in a YouTube challenge isn’t going to be of any use unless you are determined to start using video more.

If you do your own accounts, then taking part in a ‘Get your tax return done in five days’ challenge would be great.

But if you have an accountant already, it’s a waste of your time.

So only sign up for things you want to learn and you feel will be useful.

2. Do the work

Put time aside each day to do the tasks set out in the challenge. Ideally they won’t take up a huge amount of time.

My challenge tasks take around ten minutes, then all you need to do it post your progress in the group.

If you’ve decided the challenge topic is right for you and it’s something you want to improve your knowledge of, it will only work if you do the work.

3. Don’t be shy with the host!

Make the most of your time with the host. Chances are you will typically hundreds or even thousands of pounds for a one to one with them.

During the challenge, you have access to them for the whole week, so ask questions, pick their brains and get as much value as you can.
Most challenges have a live every day where you can ask questions and get tailored advice for your business so do go along to them.

If there is a coaching element to the challenge where you have the opportunity to have a two way conversation, such as a Zoom call, try to go to this too.

4. Network like mad

There will be loads of people in the challenge group who could turn into clients, customers, referral partners, collaborators or even part of your team.
So tell people what you do, where you live, who you help and check the introduction posts to see who else is in the group who might be a helpful contact for you in future.
Here are a few examples.

A copywriter could find a post from another business owner who struggles writing about what they do.

A photographer could connect with a local business in their area who needs a brand shoot.

A VA could talk about how they lighten the load with admin and tasks people hate doing and attract new clients.

5. Think of the challenge as a PR opportunity in itself

Being in a challenge puts you in front of hundreds or thousands of people who might never have heard of you before.
It’s a chance for you to make an impression on the host, the challenge team and everyone else who is taking part.
So you want to be memorable.
Let’s look at Kerry Jordan, a dog photographer in Cumbria as an example.

When someone says, ‘I need a photographer in Cumbria,’ if she’d made a good impression, people who met her on the challenge could say, ‘Oh, you need to speak to Kerry Jordan.’


Taking part in a five-day challenge can get you out there in so many ways.

During my challenges over the last few years, people have connected for blogs, podcasts, they’ve worked together on projects and hired each other, bought each other’s products and much more.
So if you do a challenge and follow these tips, you don’t just learn more about the topic, you can make sales too.
Want to keep in touch so you never miss out when I’m running one of my free five day challenges?

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