Publicity for Pet Businesses Podcast

Learn how to get your pet business out there so you can attract more clients and make more sales


How website content makes your pet business stand out with Roz Healey
Want to make sure your pet business website content is helping your pet business stand out?I’m chatting to Roz Healey from Beech Web Services for the second part in a series on websites – this time looking at the content you create on yours.Roz is a website expert who has worked in di...


Expert Social Media Tips from Build Your Audience Live
Expert Social Media Tips from Build Your Audience Live

Get Your Pet Business
in the Press

This is my DIY PR course for petpreneurs giving you everything you need to get your pet business featured in newspapers, magazines, on the TV or radio.

One to one

My background is journalism, then in 2017 I made the shift online, starting with a pet blog that led to me writing a book and launched the Publicity for Pet Businesses Facebook community.



I love hearing about the ideas you have to grow your pet business and working with you to make them a reality....
Pets Get Visible is my mini-membership mentoring programme for pet business owners who want to be part of a su...