Can a Content Fortress help you find dream clients for your pet business with Martin Huntbach and Lyndsay Cambridge 

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When you’re creating content for your pet business, you may have been told it’s key to attract your ideal client.

And what if you could send your nightmare clients running to the hills too? You can with a Content Fortress – where you create a Kingdom of Happiness for your business.

It’s a concept created by Martin Huntbach and Lyndsay Cambridge, founders of Jammy Digital, a content marketing and website company and authors of The Content Fortress.

In this podcast episode they share everything you need to know to attract the clients and customers you love and repel the ones who aren’t a good fit.

Martin and Lyndsay explain how Pricing Content, Sales Content, Repelling Content, Attracting Content, Process Content and Story Content works and how to use it in your pet business.

Listen in on the player link below and you can read the key points covered as a blog post too.

Hi Martin and Lyndsay, can you tell us about your business and your book?

Martin: “We run a content writing agency writing content for clients and we wrote the book in lockdown sharing how other people could create content.

“Not everybody can afford an agency, and we wanted to share our knowledge, our experience running an agency, how clients can be very different.

“The book was our way to teach people how to attract better clients, and repel the clients they really don’t want work with.”

Lyndsay: “The book was a happy accident, it came from unhappy circumstances when we were running a web design agency, with clients who were sometimes the wrong fit.

“Things weren’t going right, they perhaps expected more than what we originally agreed, or we were chatting to prospective clients and being ghosted.

“We thought, ‘OK, how can we use content to prevent problems in our business?’

“And the content improved our business, our processes, the sales were quicker, the clients were better so we put it into a book.”

What kind of content do you start with when you build your Content Fortress?

Martin: “By looking at the awkward scenarios you want to avoid. For us, it was the customers who would get in touch, and they’d be blunt and say, ‘How much does it cost for a website?’

“There was no friendliness, no being polite. And we didn’t like those inquiries, because we’re all about creating good experiences.

“You want people to have a relationship with you when you work with them, those who realise there’s a lot more care, a lot more precision that goes into our work.”

Lyndsay: “One of the first articles was tackling this pricing objection and it was titled, ‘Why are we more expensive?’

“Which if someone’s shopping around for price they don’t understand why one web designer charges £1000 pounds and one charges £5000.

“It was communicating so they could better understand why we charge what we do. People absolutely love that transparency and honesty.

“Because if someone’s already got that pricing objection, you want to be the first to voice it.”

Your focus is ‘website first’ when it comes to publishing, can you tell us about that?

Lyndsay: “We always recommend that you put content on your website first, a blog for example, is so you get found on search engines.

“We have articles we wrote in 2016, which still get lots of traffic now. It has that long lasting effect that social media doesn’t.

“When you post on social media, it’s pretty much gone within two hours but with a blog you can put it on social media.

“If I create a blog post, I can create LinkedIn posts out of it, by taking segments and turning them into little mini posts.

“You can do this on Facebook, or Instagram or any platform you use. So you get the search engine traffic, content for social media and traffic from social media posts.

“Plus if you’re a local business, this content will make it a lot easier for you to get to the top of Google, showing you’re an authority.”

Because we have such an emotional connection with pets, having reassurance is important too?

Lyndsay: “Yes, we want to understand they’re safe, and what your processes are.

“So for a dog walker, how does this all work? What’s the process of me walking your dog? How are they introduced to the other dogs? What activities are there?

“If you’ve got that kind of content on your website, that really helps reassure clients and will make a big difference between you and your competitors who may not offer this.”

Martin: “People want to soak up quite a lot of information in order to feel safe. Let’s say someone looks at five dog walkers in your area.

“One of them explains on their website, time and time again, every single question that comes up, the person that answers the most questions that people have wins.”

One concern I hear with putting this information out there is that a business can be copied

Martin: “If you make that decision to not put information out there because of your competitors, then it’s your customers who end up suffering.

“If you’re focusing so much on your competitors and what they’re doing, you’re not thinking about the people that actually pay your bills.”

Lyndsay: “One thing I’ve noticed is it takes them (people who copy) a while to catch up and if you’re creating content around what you do, if you’re posting on social media about it all the time, they’re always going to be lagging behind.

“Whatever you offer, if you talk about it in your content, you’re always going to be first and being first is definitely advantageous.”

You talk about story content too, can you share a simple way to tell these?

Lyndsay: “Yes, with a story or case study, you’re the guide for your customers to help them solve problems.

“The main star of the show is your customer, and their pets. You can talk about the things that maybe didn’t work or the struggles that you had.

“The methods you tried and it didn’t quite work, and what you did to gain the desired outcome, the happy scenario at the end.

“It really positions you as an expert because you’re trying different things, finding solutions and showing how you work to support your clients.”

How do you make sure you get maximum eyes on your content?

Lyndsay: “When you write your blog or article you divide the topic into subheadings and usually you can make individual points from each part for social media.

“For example, if you had an article to on the process of taking on a new dog walking client, it might be broken into subheadings like ‘the first meet up,’ ‘how your dog meets the other dogs,’ ‘what food the dogs have on the walk,’ ‘what games we play,’ and ‘how the pre-walk questionnaire works.’

“Each part could be a social media post on its own and you can repurpose this content over and over as it’s something people will always need to consume.”

What’s your advice to anyone on the fence about investing time on this?

Martin: “You might think content is just another thing to do, ‘Shall I do TikTok or shall I do blogging?’

“We see it as building a Kingdom of Happiness, because that’s what we’ve been able to do and you can too.

“It’s a fortress and a wall around our business so you never have to deal with a customer you don’t like ever again.

“You’re able to spot challenging customers and attract ones you like working with, so you put yourself in a great position.”

Links and resources mentioned in this episode

Buy The Content Fortress on Amazon – * affiliate link

Katie Gwilt at The Kat Lady –

Listen to Katie in this episode – In the Spotlight with Katie Gwilt from the Kat Lady

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller on Amazon – * affiliate link

Martin and Lyndsay’s website and blog:

Find them on social media

On Facebook:



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