Podcast featured image with Sara Dalrymple

Get confident with selling in your pet business with Sara Dalrymple

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Are you fed up with feeling awkward when selling your product or service?

If so, I think you’ll love this episode with sales expert Sara Dalrymple, author of More Sales Please, where we’re talking about letting go of the discomfort you feel around asking for money.

You started your business because you wanted to do good work and make a difference, and for this to happen, you need to earn a living.

You likely love doing your work, and Sara says that simply ‘developing a love of talking about what you do’ is the key to being a better salesperson.

Selling is like a muscle, you have to work on it, build it up and maintain it, and in this interview Sara shares a simple way to do this.

She talks through the journey your potential clients go through, from being cold and unfamiliar to warm and ready to make a decision to hot and ready to take action.

Whether you’re a confident salesperson or looking to get more comfortable with the process, I think you’ll love Sara’s no-fluff advice.

*This post contains an affiliate link to Sara’s book, meaning if you buy a copy, I will be paid a small commission. This doesn’t affect your price and helps fund this podcast.

Listen to this episode on the player link below.

Key topics and timings in this episode:

2.36 – Sara’s background in corporate and how she came to specialise in sales training.

5.23 – Why it’s ok to feel vulnerable when presenting what we offer online.

6.19 – Sara’s thoughts on reframing sales as “talking about what you’re good at and asking for money.”

9.43 – Accepting that there will always be challenges in the world and economy and that you need to be consistently visible to thrive.

12.21 – Seeing our sales skills as a muscle we need to build and maintain.

16.35 – Ways to figure out what your potential clients are looking for so you’re able to lay the information they need to decide to buy from you.

20.16 – How to create content for the different stages of the journey, from a potential buyer being cold and unsure to warm and considering their options to hot and ready to buy.

27.03 – Posting little and often and why it’s the compound effect of seeing you regularly rather than a few perfectly crafted posts that will lead to more sales.

31.26 – Being strict with your time on social media and spending a maximum of 30 minutes a day on your posts.

35.17 – Handling rejection and seeing it as an opportunity to clarify your messaging.

37.25 – Having time and patience to let social media work with you and the compound effect to build.

41.52 – How running a pet business is a gift when it comes to content creation because of the emotional connection we have with our animals.

44.07 – Sara’s three steps to get started for sales phobics. Be clear on the value you offer, show up regularly, and get support.

46.36 – Where to learn more about Sara and the best places to connect.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Buy Sara’s book More Sales Please on Amazon * https://amzn.to/4cQjUHe

Learn more from Sara on her website: https://saradalrymple.co.uk/

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saleswithsara/

Further reading 

Creating meaningful social media content with Aileen Stevenson

Putting you first and creating a pet business that makes you happy with Jane Ardern

How to feel comfortable and confident talking about your pet business

Taking the fear out of putting up your prices with Sally Farrant

Why I trained as a coach and what this means for your pet business 

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