How to magic one piece of content into 30 social media posts with Skarlet Rockwood


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Would you love to be able to magic 30 social media posts from a video you’ve already recorded or an article you’ve written?

If so you will love this podcast with Skarlet Rockwood, a pet business content marketing expert and the creator of the Pawprint Method.

It’s a system where you turn one piece of core content, so a blog, podcast or video or a live into up to 30 posts.

Rather than sharing it once, you use it over and over – without it sounding tired or boring!

Skarlet and I chat about how to make it happen in this episode, and if you listen in and you have a vault of material already, you’ll never be stuck for what to say again!

Click the player link below to find out more or you can read the key points covered as a blog post.

Tell me a little about your background 

I’m a content marketer for pet industry professionals. I manage social media and blog writing for my clients. 

I also offer consulting for pet businesses that aren’t ready to outsource just yet and need to learn it for themselves.

What are the biggest challenges your clients have?

They feel like they don’t have enough time to get it all done, so for example, trying to get out at least one blog post a month and trying to post once a day on social media which is what I recommend.

The other thing I hear, particularly from service businesses, so walkers, vets, trainers and behaviourists, is that they can’t think of what to talk about but they have so many great ideas and are a font of knowledge on their chosen field.

They’ve got all this great information in their brains, but they don’t really know what to put down on paper or what to talk about first.

What kind of things do the product businesses you work with share?

They often feel like the product is the only thing they can post about or user generated content which is great but there’s so much more potential.

Like what sets you apart from the other options out there. 

So for example, BarkBox is one that’s really popular, and they have a ‘super-tough’ box, specifically for dogs who just will absolutely destroy any other toy in two seconds flat.

You could talk about why those toys are better, the reasons dogs destroy toys. 

Is it separation anxiety? Is it just that they have a powerful bite? Is there something that you could could or should be doing care wise? Is there something special or unique about your toy? 

It’s not necessarily always like a big life changing thing, it could just be really cute patterns for your bandanas that nobody else has, or the artisans who create it.

It’s about finding lots of creative ways to talk about your thing?

Yes, I think not knowing how to say it in different ways, and feeling like you’re repetitive is something that a lot of people struggle with. 

That’s why I created the Pawprint method, where you take any long form piece of content and think about all the different ways you can talk about it in social media posts. 

If you were to take a blog post about canine massage therapy you can easily turn it into 10, 20 or even 30 different posts.

How does it work?

Firstly, I write down all the places that content can go. So can I put it on a Facebook page? Do I have a Facebook group? 

Are there other people’s Facebook groups I would be allowed and appreciate it for posting it in? 

Can I put it on Instagram, LinkedIn? Can I send it out to my email list? Can I put it on Twitter, Pinterest?

I list all the places that any information about this piece of content can be shared and the different ways then work through each of them.

You can also pull out quotes and share them, break down tips into graphics and shorter posts and so much more. 

Repeating ourselves on a topic is how we become known for it isn’t it?

Yes, the I look at this is if if you’re training a dog, and you give him a new command he’s never heard before and expect him to immediately understand it, you’re probably not going to be very successful.

You have to repeat it. So say it a different way, provide social proof of how it’s worked for other people, and just continue to provide that value.

Remember you’re the only person who sees all of your content and even if the same person sees it in two different places, they’re not going to think that ‘that’s odd?’ 

And if there’s someone who’s only following you in one place, and you didn’t put it there, then that person has missed out.

Another thing is looking for questions on your posts and turning those into content too, which shows you’re really connected to your audience.

So we started this podcast talking about being stuck for ideas, and now there’s so many you don’t know what to do with them!

Here’s how to find out more about Skarlet.






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