Setting goals for 2023 and sticking to them!

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Goals – does it make you run to the hills when you hear the word? Or are you a goal getter?

This week’s podcast is about setting goals and sticking to them.

In it I talk about how to decide on a goal that’s achievable and also something that you actually want.

Plus considering WHY you want to achieve it and what it will mean to you.

And why I DON’T want to have a six figure business.

Plus four examples of different goals to help you with you own.

If you’d like to chat about working together on your goals, you can book a chat here.

Listen in to this episode on the player link below or you can read the key points covered as a blog post.

Why set goals in the first place?

We set goals because we want to move forward, not stand still. Whether it’s a personal or a business goal, it’s about having a vision of what you want to achieve and where you want to be.

Then setting out a clear step of actions to make it happen.

At the start of the year, we see a lot of people sharing intentions of making changes to their lives, whether it’s work, health, personal or lifestyle, and often it falls by the wayside before January is over.

If there’s something you really are passionate about, then digging into the goal, so considering things like what it will mean for you, how you’ll go about it, who can help you, how will you feel when you accomplish it and what the impact will be, will give you a path to follow.

And the more detail you consider, the more you’ll set yourself up for success and make that goal a reality.

Why goals don’t have to be work related

While this is a business podcast, the steps I lay out here could be used for goals around health, family, lifestyle, hobbies, spirituality and so many other things.

For example, my goals this year are to find a holiday cottage to buy and to start journalling, and this will work alongside the goals I have for my business to grow too. Another is to have Friday afternoons off which is kind of work and kind of personal.

Considering WHY you want to achieve the goal

If you’re thinking about your goal, consider what is driving you to want it in the first place. If you achieved it, would it make you happier? Would you have to sacrifice other things that are important to you?

For example, I used to think I would love to have a six figure business.

That would have meant doing Done For You PR which I know would cause me so much stress 24/7 worrying about whether stories would be picked up when clients were paying me thousands of pounds a month to help them.

That would have impacted on my family, my friends, my mental health and I don’t want to sacrifice this to earn a certain level of income.

Examples of goals and how to tackle them

In the podcast, I share four examples of goals and how you might go about tackling them.

  1. Launching an online course
  2. Becoming fully booked for your service (I used cat sitting in the summer holidays)
  3. Having your products feature on a huge outlet like Not On The High Street or John Lewis
  4. Running a sub two hour half marathon

Why finding someone to keep you accountable can help you achieve your goal

One thing I’ve learned in the four years since working with business owners is that to achieve things you need accountablity. This might be a friend, a coach, a family member, a partner, your kids.

Telling someone what you want to accomplish and having them keep you on track means when there are bumps in the road – and there will be – you bounce back.

How to find out more about working together on your goals

Do you have a goal for 2023 and fancy some support?

We can work together one to one – I offer a six month package and this includes my Get You Pet Business in the Press library, and membership of my Pets Get Visible programme.

Or if you prefer working in a group, my Pets Get Visible programme has everything you need to support you in being visible and forward planning so you achieve your goals and it’s just £20 a month or £220 for the year.

Learn more about the Pets Get Visible mini-membership:

Links mentioned in this episode:

Book a call if you’d like to chat about working together one to one:

Check out Sarah at Albie’s Boutique:

Check out Wendy at My Three Cats:

If you found this post helpful, you might like How to plan your publicity for 2023 or Five things that can get in the way of you being bold in your pet business

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