Seven ways collaborations can help you promote your pet business


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Have you thought about collaborating with other people in your industry when it comes to your content?

Working together with other pet professionals means you can get the word out about what you do and potentially attract more clients.

Plus you get to reach a whole new audience and by bringing fresh faces, views and voices to your own marketing materials.

In this episode I’m going to cover seven ways collaborating can help you promote your pet business.

You can listen in on the player link below or continue reading as a blog post.

You can build your authority as an expert

By collaborating you showcase yourself as an expert with the opportunity to share your knowledge on a particular topic.

This can open up opportunities for collaborations with other businesses and give you the potential to be featured in the mainstream media.

You reach a different audience.

You will reach their audience and from this have the opportunity to grow your audience and brand awareness. 

This has the potential to bring you new customers. If they share it on their social media, website and mailing list you could reach hundreds or thousands of new people.

You builds links on Google 

Through collaborating with other businesses and featuring on their websites you naturally get more links back to your own website.

Google sees your website as being more credibility, your domain authority increases, as does your ranking and this make it easier for people to find you.

Plus when journalists look you up, it helps build your authority with them too and you look like the expert you are. 

It can lead to future partnerships 

Is there a vet or another pet professional you’d love to work with? Or a blogger or an expert?

By simply dropping them a polite message asking if they can help by contributing to your content you start to build a relationship that can benefit you both in the future.

You create fresh and exciting content

Bringing new voices and views, whether it’s an expert, product or a service to your audience is exciting and fresh for them too,

This will help with keeping them engaged and interested in what you have to say because they’ll experience different views and perspectives.

For the person you’re collaborating with, it helps them reach more people, and it’s likely they will return the favour to you if you need them to in future.

It shows you’re committed to your audience 

And it shows you give a stuff about your audience too, you’re not just trotting out the same old stuff or your own thoughts.

You’ve taken time to go and find people who you think can educate them or bring something to their lives – it shows that you think they matter.

You build a team of cheerleaders

When you involve other people in your content you’re multiplying the opportunities for people to discover it. 

You’re building a bank of experts you can call on and recommend to others, and a team of cheerleaders for you too. 

We continually need to think of new ways to reach people and collaboration is such simple solution.

And it makes your life easier too. What’s not to like about that!

If you’re looking for people to collaborate with, consider joining my Pets Get Visible membership where we have a Facebook group full of pet professionals from product makers to vets, walkers, groomers, trainers, behaviourists, first aid instructors.

However you need to collaborate, you name it, there’s an expert or petpreneur who can help you.

Read Is my Pets Get Visible membership right for you?

Links mentioned in this episode:

How to stay injury free when doing Canicross – Louise Humphrey and Emily Thomas

My experience with anxious dog Bella – Sarah Jones and Suzanne Gould

Best compostable poo bags for dogs – Me and Rikki Sullivan

If you found this post helpful, you might like to read How to get started with blogging for your pet business or How to start a blog for your pet business


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