What can you do when your training methods are challenged in the mainstream media?

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What do you do when you see pet professionals who use aversive methods being given a platform to share their views?

And when your kind, force-free training methods are challenged in the mainstream media?

This podcast is in response to a recent story in The Times newspaper about ‘How man’s best friend became the master.’

In the article, positive reinforcement training was mocked and challenged, and Colin Tennant from the Cambridge Institute of Dog Training and Behaviour was quoted as having said: “If you treat your dog like a human, it will treat you like a dog.”

The story was followed up on This Morning where presenter Rochelle Humes introduced the topic, saying: “How dogs are being turned into Hell Hounds because owners are treating them like humans.”

This has caused a lot of debate among pet professionals.

In this episode, taken from a Facebook live, I explain how you can respond, why it’s important to put your perspective and kind methods out there so people can choose you, and my experience of working with an aversive trainer.

Plus, why journalists DO want to hear from you, ways to find them, and how I can support you if you’d like to work on this.

Listen in on the player link below:

Key topics and timings in this episode:

0.20 – Intro and overview of this episode.

0.45 – The coverage on The Times and This Morning challenging force-free training.

1.45 – How you can work with me and get support approaching the press.

2.24 – Facebook live and introduction to the Times story – ‘How man’s best friend became the master.’

3.40 – Coverage on This Morning – ‘How dogs are being turned into Hell Hounds because owners are treating them like humans.’

4.05 – The emotions around force-free training and why it’s frustrating seeing your methods questioned.

4.35 – Colin Tennant quote ‘If you treat your dog like a human, it will treat you like a dog.’

6.20 – My perspective on training and why I support training with kindness.

7.06 – How you can respond to information you disagree with being put in the public domain.

8.04 – Sharing your approach and inviting people to share their thoughts.

8.28 – Getting curious about people’s thoughts on these challenging perspectives.

9.05 – My personal experience of working with an aversive trainer and why I feel so passionately about getting pet pros who train with kindness seen.

12.30 – What I’ve learned and mistakes I’ve made as a dog owner.

13.40 – People who watch TV shows need support because they want to understand their dogs better.

14.20 – Share what you do, why you do it, how you do it, and why you use those methods.

14.59 – Understand why people find the DogFather charming.

16.43 – Why nothing stops you from approaching journalists and where and how to find them, including This Morning researchers.

17.40 – How this story is tomorrow’s chip paper.

18.45 – Why regular owners see the DogFather as a charming man who cares.

20.43 – Responses to Facebook live comments.

22.03 – How we can work together if you’re fed up with seeing the same faces and names in the media for less than the cost of a takeaway each month.

Download my FREE guide – Five steps to get your pet business in the press:


Get a 30 day pass which includes my Get Your Pet Business in the Press workshop on Tuesday 6th February at 7pm (There is a replay)

Buy the workshop here

Further reading/listening on this topic:

Nine things dog trainers need to know when dealing with journalists.

Is my Pets Get Visible membership right for you?

How to get press coverage from Facebook groups with Jill Foster.

How to get press coverage from Twitter/X.

How to write a press release for your pet business.

How Karen Boyce landed 30 pieces of press coverage in 12 months.

What’s the difference between a pitch and a press release?

How to find stories in your pet business.

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