How to build a tribe around your pet business with Laura Hebberd

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Want to know how to create a loyal, engaged community around your pet business?

In this episode, Laura Hebberd, founder of Pure Dog Adventure Training, shares how she went from running small classes in her local village hall to building a thriving tribe of dog owners who absolutely love everything she does.

Laura is based in Darlington in the North East of England and works with all kinds of dogs – the key thing is that they and their owners love an adventure.

Her business is about so much more than training – it’s about creating connection, community, and fun for dogs and their owners. 

From quirky events and themed days to using unique venues like castles and paintball arenas, she’s built something so special that keeps people coming back week after week.

Laura, who started out counting cash in Northern Rock bank, talks about how she got into dog training by volunteering at Dogs Trust.

Plus, how she traveled to America to run equine rehabilitation programmes in prisons, and how a life-changing accident inspired her to focus on building a business that centres around belonging and inclusion.

If you want ideas on how to build your own community, stand out in a crowded market, and create experiences your clients will love, you will love this episode.

Listen in on the player link below and find all the links to connect with Laura at the end of this post.

Key topics and timings in this episode:

0:20 – Introduction to Laura Hebberd and Pure Dog Adventure Training.

3:45 – Laura’s journey from village hall classes to creating a thriving dog community.

7:12 – Using unique experiences and adventures to engage clients.

11:28 – How Laura’s personal story shaped her approach to business.

15:42 – Building trust, belonging, and safe spaces for dogs and owners.

22:50 – How to go about filtering clients and creating the perfect fit for your community.

29:30 – Why word-of-mouth marketing beats fancy sales campaigns.

35:12 – Tips for standing out in a crowded market by staying authentic.

Key quotes:

“It’s not just dog training – it’s about creating a place where people feel they belong. They’re part of a community, not just clients.”

“One of the most important things for me was making sure everyone feels welcome – both people and their dogs. It’s about creating a safe space where they feel accepted.”

“We don’t just run classes. We celebrate everything – competitions, parties, quizzes – anything to make people feel included and part of something bigger.”

“Our community isn’t something I built alone. It’s shaped by the people who come to us. They give feedback, share ideas, and help us create something special together.”

Takeaways from this episode:

Building a community is about creating connection and making people feel like they belong.

Unique, client-focused experiences help you stand out and foster loyalty.

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful tools for growing a business.

Staying true to your values and creating authentic experiences will keep clients coming back.

Resources mentioned:

Seth Godin’s book, Tribes. Get it on Amazon here:

Pure Dog Adventure Training Website

Follow Laura on Facebook and Instagram.

Further listening:

How Sandra Emmons works with her local community to grow her dog training business

Building relationships to grow your pet business with Kerry Jordan

How to build your business when you don’t use social media with Gill Gallagher

What kind of pet business coach is right for you?

How to choose the right pet business membership

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