Ten reasons why you should be an award-winning pet business

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Would you love to be an award-winning pet business?

To gain recognition for the hard work you do and stand out from the competition?

Whether you own a grooming salon, a pet shop, training or dog walking service, or you make products that make a difference, being involved in industry awards will boost your credibility and attract new customers.

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing reasons you should aspire to be an award-winning pet business.

Plus tips on choosing the right award for you and using your win to secure media coverage.

Winning awards means you’ll elevate your pet business, stand out from the crowd, and gain the recognition you deserve.

And you’ll hear from two pet businesses who have won awards to inspire you.

If this is something you’d like to work on, join my Pets Get Visible membership where the focus for April is awards and get 50% off your first month by clicking here.

Listen in on the player link below or read the key points covered as a blog post.

1.It’s okay to put yourself forward for awards

A common thing that gets in the way of pet businesses putting themselves up for awards is feeling uncomfortable about it. 

It’s okay to want to be recognised for the work you do, and there’s nothing shameless about it. You work hard, so ditch the ick and get applying!

2. Think about what winning an award means for your business

Why do you want to win an award? Is it because you’d like some press coverage from it? 

Perhaps you want to stand out in your local area by applying for recognition from the Chamber of Commerce. 

You might want to be the leader in your category for sustainability. Think about why you want to win, and this will motivate you.

3. Choose the right award

Not all awards carry the same clout, so select ones that feel right for you. Research the different awards you could enter, and as a rule of thumb, the more work you have to do, the more prestigious the award. 

Award red flags would be having to pay to enter, the organisers insisting you attend a paid event, and putting any pressure on you to promote the awards or do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.

4. It helps refine your messaging

One huge positive of applying for awards is you have to take time to consider what your business is all about, what you do, who you help, why you do it, and the impact you create. 

This really helps with your messaging, and the work you do on your awards application can be used to tweak your website, social media, and lots more.

5. Being recognised shows you’re a serious business

It’s hard to toot your own horn but by entering into the awards process, you’re inspiring people to stop and take notice of you. 

Whether it’s sharing that you’ve applied or made the shortlist or being a winner, it’s showing people you take what you do seriously, you’re a professional business owner, and they’re lucky to have you in their world!

6. You get a confidence boost

You work hard in your pet business and it’s not all rainbows and unicorns, it’s tough working for yourself. 

So when you put yourself out there to the awards judges, who don’t know you and are being subjective in their assessment, getting their recognition helps you feel more confident.

7. It’s third-party validation of the impact you make

You can shout about how great your product or service is from the rooftops but it’s something else having an external panel of judges examine you and your business and give you recognition. This helps to build trust in you.

8. When you win, you’ll stand out from the competition

Show off your accolades and have your badges on your website so if people are checking you out and comparing you to other people who may offer similar products or services, you stand out. 

This can be the tipping point that inspires pet parents to buy or book with you.

9. People will be chuffed for you!

When you share your award badge or photo on social media, trust me, your engagement will go crazy! 

Your clients, friends, family, people who you haven’t spoken to since school will get behind you and congratulate you. 

It’s a nice thing to experience when you put so much into your business and you deserve the recognition.

10. It’s a great way to get PR

Winning an award is newsworthy so you can use your success to pitch to the press. 

Journalists like good news stories about people from their area doing well, and many of the awards organisations will even provide a press release outline. 

I recently pitched several stories about winning the Theo Paphitis SBS award for Sunnyside Cottage and had seven pieces of press coverage.

Ready to get some gongs for your pet business? I hope reading or listening has inspired you to apply.

I’m running a workshop as part of my Pets Get Visible membership on Tuesday, April 2nd, at 7 pm covering everything you need to know about awards.

From choosing the right one to applying to creating your press pitch and press release when you win, you’ll get everything you need to be awards-ready.

You can join for just £15 for your first month using this link.

Further reading on this topic

How winning the SBS award with Theo Paphitis can raise your profile

10 takeaways from Theo Paphitis’ SBS event 2024

Kirsty Skeates shares why you SHOULD be applying for awards for your pet business


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Would you love to be an award-winning pet business? To gain recognition for the hard work you ...

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