How to create a pet business Social Media Calendar

Pet Business Social Media Calendar Guide Podcast


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As a pet business owner, showing up regularly and having a social media strategy is key for reaching and engaging with your target audience. 

One of the best ways to ensure you’re consistent and can make the sales you hope for is by creating a social media calendar.

In this blog post, discover the key reasons why you should create a social media calendar for your pet business, as well as the step-by-step process to make it happen.

You can listen to this episode as a podcast by clicking the player link below.

Why create a Social Media Calendar for your pet business?

There are several compelling reasons to invest time into building out a social media calendar for your pet business:

1. So you don’t miss out on opportunities. A calendar helps ensure you don’t overlook chances to promote your products, services, and the difference you’re making for your clients and their pets.

2. So you show up consistently. Posting on social media doesn’t have to be a daily grind – a calendar allows you to be strategic about when and how often you show up, in a way that works best for your business.

3. So you can share your offers and updates. A calendar provides a framework to regularly share what’s new in your business, from launches and promotions to client success stories. 

4. To make space for spontaneity. By planning your core content in advance, you free up bandwidth to post timely, spontaneous updates that can often perform the best.

5. To build relationships and future-proof your business. Consistent social media presence, even when you’re fully booked, helps you get known, stay top-of-mind, and set your business up for long-term success.

How to make a Social Media Calendar for your pet business

Ready to get started? Here’s a step-by-step process for your social media calendar:

Take time with a pen and paper, switch off distractions, and look at the month ahead.

Think of your social media as your own TV station or magazine, where you curate relevant information for the people who tune in.

Break it down into sections.

First, what’s happening in your business in the month ahead?

Do you have classes to fill?

Do you have classes ending? Maybe you’re celebrating the new graduates of your puppy programme?

Is there a business birthday or milestone to talk about?

Perhaps you’re proud of an achievement or accomplishment and you want to talk about that?

Have you created any new products or are you working on them?

Is something you do in your business in the news?

What is happening in the news that you might be able to use as content?

Next, what’s relevant to your clients?

What is happening in the area where you live? 

Is there an event they need to know about – you might have a stand at a local fair or pet show, tell them what to expect.

What’s the weather like? Do you need to guide them on what to do when it’s too hot or too cold?

Are there any health tips relevant to the time of year?

Do they need to know your availability so they can book on or buy and not miss out?

What can they expect when they work with or buy from you? This is a chance to share reviews or user generated content.

Finally, what awareness days or holidays are coming up?

There are hundreds of pet-related days every month, and general ones too, which you can use as prompts and to get rid of the blank page.

You can use a mix of pet ones, regular ones and any that jump out at you and give you something to talk about. 

You don’t have to mention the day or announce ‘It’s Prosecco Day!’ You simply use them as a starting point.

Or you could build an entire campaign around a day, where you send out a press release to your local media, create website content, emails and social posts.

Example of a calendar for a dog friendly cottage

Here’s my plan for August 2024 for my dog-friendly holiday cottage, Sunnyside Cottage in Robin Hood’s Bay.

August 1st – Yorkshire Day – Why Yorkshire is brilliant for dogs

August 5th – Work Like a Dog Day – I’m doing a day in the life of Patch (doing very little work!)

August 9th – Spoil Your Dog Day – This is a chance to talk about how I spoil the dogs who come and stay, and showcase the welcome packs and the useful things I have in the cottage.

August 13th – National Prosecco Day – I’m going to ask if people prefer regular or rose fizz with a photo of two bottles on the beach, as I leave one out for every guest.

August 22nd – Burger Day – This will be about the best place to get a burger in Robin Hood’s Bay, so people can share their opinion.

These are the general posts I’m planning for August:

Opinion post

Product we have in the cottage spotlight

Behind the scenes

News story about the area – I set up Google Alerts for these

What £50 buys you in Robin Hood’s Bay


Guest book entry

User-generated content

Availability for the month ahead

Example social media calendar for a dog friendly holiday cottage
Here is what the calendar might look like

Because I’ll have 14 of these posts scheduled, I’m free to drop more spontaneous posts in when I feel like it and it takes the pressure off.

It means I can have conversations with my guests, and chat to potential new ones. 

The cottage is full until the end of September, and this consistency means people are looking ahead to book in the future.

Would you like support to create your calendar?

This is what I work on in my Pets Get Visible membership, where each month you’re given a PDF with the key dates for the month ahead.

At the start of July, we look at the awareness days for August, so you can plan as I have shown here.

You’re also invited to a workshop focused on helping you be visible, and a coaching call each month so you can talk through your ideas.

There are resources on pitching to the press, blogging, working with influencers, applying for awards and lots more.

And we have coworking sessions where you join other members and get the work done.

If you’d like to find out more, check out Is my Pets Get Visible pet business membership right for you?

Further listening 

How to be more comfortable, confident and consistent with your pet business content

How to put your passion and personality into your marketing with Alex McCann

Ways to build relationships to grow your pet business with Kerry Jordan

How to use awareness days in your pet business content

Behind the scenes of the first 12 months at Sunnyside Cottage


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